Benzene in Drinking Water

Benzene is highly flammable and is also produced naturally from volcanoes and forest fires. Safe Home offers kits that provide drinking water testing for benzene in city and well water supplies.


Benzene in Drinking Water at a Glance:


Health Effects: Anemia. Increased risk of leukemia.

MCL: 5 ppb

Test:  Safe Home VOCs in Water Test Kit

Treatment: Activated Carbon or Packed Tower Aeration. Reverse Osmosis is also effective.


What is Benzene?


Benzene is what is known as a VOC, or volatile organic compound. Meaning an organic compound that easily evaporates. Benzene can come from natural sources including volcanoes, forest fires, and crude oil. Or from man-made sources like industrial run-off, gasoline, and cigarette smoke.

How does Benzene get into my drinking water?


Benzene in drinking water can come from natural or man-made sources. During wildfires, the smoke can create high Benzene levels in the air which can settle into water sources, contaminating the water. Fires can also cause plastic pipes to release Benzene into water due to the high temperatures.

Industrial spill and landfills can also leech Benzene and other VOCs into groundwater which may contaminate drinking water.


Negative Effects of Benzene in drinking water


Consuming Benzene has a variety of negative health effects.

  • Central Nervous System Damage
  • Extensive Hemorrhaging
  • Anemia and Other Circulatory Issues
  • Increased Risk of Leukemia


What level of Benzene in drinking water is dangerous?


The EPA has set the MCL (Maximum Contaminant Limit) for Benzene as 5 ppb. The MCL is the highest amount of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. These limits are set on public health standards as well as the cost of treatment.


How to Test for Benzene in Drinking Water


To test for Benzene, we recommend the Safe Home VOCs in Drinking Water Test Kit. This test will let you collect your sample at home and then get free return shipping back to our EPA-Certified laboratory.

The VOCs test kit will test for 83 Volatile Organic Compounds, including Benzene.



The most comprehensive test for your water quality will be the Safe Home Ultimate Drinking Water Test Kit. It will test for VOCs as well as metals, inorganics, semi-volatile organic compounds, and come with a DIY Bacteria test kit.


What to do if your Benzene Levels are too High


If your Benzene levels are too high in your water, a carbon point of entry filter is recommended for treatment. Benzene is harmful when your water is heated because it will evaporate into the air, this prevents it from entering the home and being used during cooking and bathing as well as your drinking water.

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